7 dlhých mesiacoch driny a bookovania je naše Balkánske tour ALEA IACTA
EST/CONTROLLED EXISTENCE skompletované. Veľké D Í K Y všetkým, ktorí
akokoľvek pomohli. Ak všetko pôjde bez problémov, vidíme sa v 7 rôznych
štátoch počas 10 dní. Štart vo štvrtok v Prahe, plagát a odkaz na akciu nižšie!!!
After 7 long months of fag and booking is our Balkans tour ALEA IACTA EST/CONTROLLED EXISTENCE completed. Big THANKS to everyone who helped us somehow. If everything goes without problems we will see in 7 different states during 10 days. Start on Thursday, flyer and event link you can find below!!!
After 7 long months of fag and booking is our Balkans tour ALEA IACTA EST/CONTROLLED EXISTENCE completed. Big THANKS to everyone who helped us somehow. If everything goes without problems we will see in 7 different states during 10 days. Start on Thursday, flyer and event link you can find below!!!
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