Kapela CxEx bola založená začiatkom roku 2011 slovenskými emigrantmi žijúcimi v Prahe a to bubeníkom a gitaristom za
účelom hrania ,,rýchlej muziky´´. Časom sa pridala za mikrofón Ľuba a
onedlho vokály doplnil Alex(Intestacy, ex Libera in Causa). Asi po pol
roku fungovania post basy zaujal Méďa, člen kapely Palahniuk. V tejto
zostave s výminkou odchodu speváka Alexa kapela funguje doteraz...
CxEx was founded in the beginning of the year 2011 by slovakian emigrants living in Prague - by drummer and guitarist with focus on playing ,,fast music´´. After some time, Ľuba started to scream in the band and later the vocals was supplied by Alex(Intestacy, ex Libera in Causa). Six months later, the open post of bass guitarist was taken by Méďa, the member of the band Palahniuk. With exception of Alex´s leaving you can see the band Controlled Existence in this ,,staff´´.
DRUMS: Zubár
BASS: Méďa
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