štvrtok 29. decembra 2016

Nové tričká u DEADHEROES! / New t-shirts at DEADHEROES!

Nové tričká si možete objednávať u DEADHEROES - www.deadheroes.cz
New t-shirts you can buy at DEADHEROES - www.deadheroes.cz

Nová nahrávka split 7 inch s austrálskymi deathmetal grindermi HEADLESS DEATH / A new split 7 inch with australian deatmetal grinders HEADLESS DEATH!


We are more than happy to announce the new DH release of the wicked CONTROLLED EXISTENCE guys, the last recordings with a mighty Gifo (the CxEx guitarist), who's gonna play the last gig with the band on 14th January, in Germany! - Blastphemy Winter feast, He's unfortunately leaving the band after the gig. It's been a pleasure buddy, and We wish you all the best everywhere you go, whatever you are planning to do ;-) take care mate.

The czechoslovakian warriors are shearing a 7inch w/an awesome Aussie death-metal grinders HEADLESS DEATH. Melbourne based chaotic 90's grindcore (Excruciating Terror, Warsore) and raw old school death metal featuring members from the likes of Internal Rot, Rort and Roskopp.

The sample of the tunes available

There's the limited edition of 100 coloured splatters and 400 regular hell-black vinyls available.

The artwork was drawn by L'uba // https://www.facebook.com/lubartist/ (the Controlled Existence singress)

Keep you eyes peeled on WWW.DEADHEROES.CZ

pondelok 21. novembra 2016

Hľadáme nového gitaristu!!!! We are searching for a new guitarist!!!!

A je to tu! Po 6 rokoch sa nám pôvodná zostava rozpadá, odchádza od nás gitarista Gifo. Keďže by bola škoda to úplne rozpustiť, hľadáme za neho náhradu!!! Ak by ste mali niekto záujem alebo by ste vedeli o niekom, kto by rád hral s nami tento bordel, dajte vedieť! ;) Podmienky sú následovné:
- mať čo to už odohraté na gitare a schopnosť tvoriť nové songy
- naučiť sa komplet celý set, ktorý hráme(je to len 13 minút :D)
- pozitívny vzťah k extrémnej muzike
- flexibilita, skúšky 1 x do týždňa vo večerných hodinách
- Praha, prípadne bližšie okolie alebo ochota cestovať pravidelne na skúšky a koncerty
- dve tourné ročne(1x mini a 1x väčšie)
- voľné víkendy kvoli hrávaniu - cca 30 koncertov za rok, prevažná väčšina v zahraničí
- tráviť veľa času v dodávke, či aute, nespať, žúrovať, zvládať menšiu "retardáciu" nás troch :D
- grindcore heart :)
- a úplne naj nežrať zvieratá :) ale nie je podmienkou

Díky, kľudne šírte ďalej!!!
After 6 years our original line-up has broken, our guitarist Gifo is leaving us. As it would be a pity to end up, we are searching for a new guitarist!!! If you would be interested in it or if you know anyone who would join us to play this noise, get in touch! Our conditions are the following:
- experience with guitar playing and be able to create new songs
- learn our complete set we are playing(just 13 minutes :D)
- positive relation to the extreme music
- time flexibility, practices once a week in the evening
- Prague, eventually close neighbourhood or willingness to travel to practices and gigs regularly
- two tours a year(smaller and bigger one)
- free weekends to be able to play gigs - approximately 30 concerts a year, mostly abroad
- having no problem to spend a lot of time in van or car, no sleep, partying, accept our little "retardation"
- grindcore heart
- the best not to eat meat :) but it is not a condition
Thanks and feel free to share!!!

štvrtok 27. októbra 2016

5-11-2016 - JIHLAVA!!!!

Looking forward to playing this gig and meeting our grindcore brothers ALEA IACTA EST again as well as the other great bands! 5-11-2016 - JIHLAVA!!!!

Nesmierne sa tešíme na tento koncert, kde si opať zahráme s našimi grindcorovými bratmi ALEA IACTA EST ako aj s ostatnými ppči kapelami! 5-11-2016 - JIHLAVA!!!!

FB event:
On the link below you can find our video from ALEA IACTA EST / CONTROLLED EXISTENCE BALKANS TOUR 2016!

Na linku nižšie checknite video z nášho ALEA IACTA EST / CONTROLLED EXISTENCE BALKANS TOUR 2016!

utorok 11. októbra 2016


14-10-2016    BLATNÁ 


We are back at home from one of our best tours!!! It was sooo good to meet you all, see so many interesting places(Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia and Serbia) and have such a great & funny 11 days long party!!! It was really f*cking awesome and I would like to THANKS to all of you for making it possible, love you all!!!! :)

pondelok 11. apríla 2016

29/4/2016 - Brno


4 days full of incredible fun and amazing moments with Needful Things!!!! Big THANKS to all of you for making this possible. ANTICHRIST EASTER MINITOUR 2016 - Germany, France and Switzerland!!!!

pondelok 1. februára 2016