pondelok 28. apríla 2014
streda 23. apríla 2014
Prežili sme !!!
18 hodín spiatočnej cesty za nami, 4000 km prejazdených, odgrindované v
9 roznych mestách v 4 roznych štátoch, pofotené pokukané, starí a noví
kámoši, párty, chlast aj únava. Dobre bolo!
We are alive!!! 18 hours of return journey are over, 4000 km done, grinded in 9 various towns in 4 various states, all the stuff visited and documented, old and new friends, parties, alcohol and tideness as well. It was fucking great!
We are alive!!! 18 hours of return journey are over, 4000 km done, grinded in 9 various towns in 4 various states, all the stuff visited and documented, old and new friends, parties, alcohol and tideness as well. It was fucking great!
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